Word Search Maker

The Word Search Maker is a simple online tool you can use to create printable word search puzzles you can then play with your colleagues and friends. Just enter the words you like and we'll generate a downloadable and printable word search for you.

How to Use the Word Search Maker

This maker is built to easily create word searches. Moreover, if you are wondering how to use it, here's a detailed step by step guide on how to use it.

👣 Step 1. Fill the input fields.

There are only three inputs you need to enter here - heading, subheading and words. It is straightforward where if you type some heading and subheading it will automatically reflect on the word search paper visual.

The most important part here is the Words text area. Enter the words you like to be found in the word search puzzle. Make sure to separate them by New Line, you can achieve that by clicking on the Enter key on your keyboard (Some keyboard or keypad is labeled with Return).

💡 Step 2. Generate word search puzzle.

You'll are probably thinking of the additional settings there but for now, click on the Generate button so that the search words will be reflected on our canvas.

🛠️ Step 3. Tweak the word search puzzle output.

You have four options where you can manipulate the output. The first is the Grid which allows to add number of rows and columns (grid) to the word search puzzle. Next is the Word Columns that indicates the number of columns of your answer keys. Third is the Check Boxes where it adds a little box to the left side of answer keys. Finally, the Highlight Answer on/off feature where you can show and hide the answer on the grid.

Inputs and Option

Let's examine one by one the things you need to input and the available options where you can tweak the generated word search.


Being the first input field in our word search maker, enter the Heading of your puzzle. This should be a direct to the point phrase of what your puzzle is all about. Example: Bible Characters Word Search



A straightforward phrase that will be reflected below the heading. Make sure that it directly elaborates the heading and generally what the word search is all about. Although this is optional, it still adds details to the puzzle.


Of course, this is the most important part of the word search maker, the words to find themselves. Make sure to enter the words separated by a new line as being reflected on sample data. Since it is a limited grid (number of letters horizontally and vertically), you can only enter words that fits on grid.

Grid Size

This represents the number of rows which also equals to the number of columns in the word search grid, like a random letters in a cube. The bigger the grid size, the more words fits in the it.

Word Columns

Given that the word search has been generated, providing the answer key words in one column seems a little off, that why this represents the number column that serves as separator for the words.

Grid Borders

The grid borders are horizontal and vertical lines that surrounds the letters that comprises the grid. You have the option to show or hide these borders. It will automatically adjust to your preference.

Check Boxes

Right after you generated a word search puzzle, the words to find will be reflected below the grid. You have the option to add a little checkbox on the left side of it for players to mark check the words found.

Highlight Answers

In the grid, you'll have this option to show or hide the answers by turning on/off this toggle button. Needless to say, turn it off if you are about to print the player's copy and not your answer key copy.